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Ung Nordisk Musik 2019 Piteå

First held in 1946, UNM is one of the oldest festivals for new music in the North. Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland act as alternating hosts. Separate juries in each country selects the young composers. Among the music of these emerging talents the program includes mentoring guest composers Mark Andre, Veli-Matti Puumala, Martin Q Larsson, Antti Auvinen and Matthew Whittall.

The selected works for Finland were: 

Tytti Arola, Thinking sounds

Tuomas Kettunen, fall, into the ocean

Leo Lehtinen, Buddies

Teemu Mastovaara, Mit inniger Empfindung

OON: Johanna Tarkkanen ja Sarah Palu, Metsänkellot

Lara Poe, La Rivière et la forêt

Leevi Räsänen, Ajassa

Ung Nordisk Musik 2019 Piteå
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